The Armorymoire

Old houses have storage problems. This is a given. Nobody 100 years ago had a ton of crap they needed to stash, unless it was out back by the barn.

When you’re involved in historical re-enactment AND stage combat, there’s a lot of gear that goes with that…

Tudor Lady’s Part 1: Researching the Bodies

Heh. it’s like an episode of CSI. get it, researching the bodies?

Anyway…I’ve decided a good blog series would be about the creation of an outfit from beginning to end. I’ll probably be doing a couple of these simultaneously, weaving in and out between different ensembles. This series will be about the creation of a late Tudor/early Elizabethan (1560’s) middle class lady’s ensemble.

Taking the Next Step

The SCA, because of its rather long history, has members at all sorts of levels of interest.  You have a wide spectrum of individuals involved.  Some are content with attending events in commercially made garb from a renaissance fair vendors, and that’s perfectly OK.  Others go as far as hand weaving fabric and then using…

Yet Another Blog

Hi, my name is Meadhbh bean mhic Bhradaigh (mundanely known as Marie Altobelli).  And this is yet another attempt at a blog.  You can also occasionally find me blogging over at, which is more centered around simplifying and non-toxic living. This blog will be around my various SCA projects and experiences, and include stuff…